
Hi, I’m Andy.

I wrote The Simple Science of Muscle Growth and Hypertrophy.


Like you, I wanted to build muscle.

In 2013, I had access to one of the best gyms in Toronto. In one year, I built the physique of a Greek God I went a total of four times.

I didn’t know how to work out. And I didn’t want to make a fool of myself.

But the moment I overcame that fear, I grew.

I made gains, more gains than most people at my gym.

How? Science.

But, nowadays, there’s too much "science." And it all contradicts.

So, let me simplify it for you.

You want studies relevant to your goal.

Avoid studies that measure “muscle protein synthesis” or "surface EMG amplitudes.”

Look for studies that measure changes in muscle thickness.

Through these studies, I discovered three fundamental principles required to build muscle...

The Principle of Specificity:

Train muscles.

The Principle of Overload:

Train hard.

The Principle of Consistency:

Train consistently.

Apply all three principles and you will build muscle. It's that simple.

The Simple Science of Muscle Growth and Hypertrophy combines the simplicity of principles with the latest scientific research.

You'll explore these principles from simple... to scientific... to the exact steps you need to take.

This way, you get a complete understanding of what to do and why.

You get the confidence to act.

The Simple Science of Muscle Growth and Hypertrophy is the book I wish I had when I started.

Why I wrote it is simple: to help you become a more muscular, more confident, and better you today.

Grab your copy below.